Welcome to the Office of Academic Support (OAS). We provide academic programs, support services, and supplemental instructions for undergraduate students at the University of Florida. We have two prominent programs within our office: UF PROMISE and Student Support Services (UFSSS). Our programs and services support our undergraduate scholars throughout their undergraduate careers at UF. We provide comprehensive support every step of the way, equipping our students with the skills necessary to reach their full potential. As a result, students affiliated with OAS have an assured plan for success when maximizing these resources!

We are honored to serve as a resource for all UF undergraduates, their families, as well as our faculty and staff. And, we are proud to emphasize our support toward helping first-generation and Pell-eligible students meet their academic, personal, and professional goals.

To learn more about our programs and services, refer to our website or stop in and visit us. Find out more about how we connect our students to free tutoring, materials, and supplies to enhance learning and academic performance. In addition, students have access to our Academic Enrichment Workshops (AEWs) and signature events which cater to either general undergraduate interests or are specific to majors and career interests. Plus, students in the Promise and UFSSS programs are eligible for our merit and need-based scholarships, academic success coaching, and more. Most importantly, OAS is a community for students to feel at home away from home.


 ↳ Director's Welcome 

Promise UnCut Podcast

OAS partners with other University of Florida campus support service units such as UF Admissions, Broward Teaching Center (BTC), Housing and Residence Education, Student Financial Affairs (SFA), the Academic Advising Center (AAC), College Advising liaisons (PCALS), McNair Scholars Program, Career Connections Center (CCC), GatorWell, Machen Opportunity Scholars (MFOS), Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC), and more to make these opportunities both relevant and innovative.