Academic Advising Center 352-392-1521
Admissions 352-392-1365
Academic Resources 352-392-2010
Writing Studio 352-392-6420
Registrar’s Office 352-392-1374
Undergraduate Affairs
Center for Precollegiate Education and Training (CPET) 352-392-2310
Center for Undergraduate Research (CUR) 352-846-3222
Honors Program 352-392-1519
Innovation Academy (IA) 352-294-1785
McNair Scholars 352-846-2575
ROTC – Air Force Army Navy
STEPUP 352-392-0944
University Scholars Program (USP)
Gainesville Police Department (GPD) 352-955-1818
Supervisor of Elections 352-374-5252
Student Services
Athletic Association 352-395-4683
Bookstore 352-392-0194
Career Connections Center 352-392-1601
Counseling & Wellness Center 352-392-1575
Computing Help Desk 352-392-4357
Dean of Students Office 352-392-1261
Disability Resource Center 352-392-8565
Gator 1 Central 352-392-8343
Gator Dining Services 352-392-2491
Housing 352-392-2161
International Student Center 352-392-5323
Recreational Sports 352-846-1081
Reitz Student Union 352-392-1649
Student Financial Affairs 352-392-1275
Student Government 352-392-1665
Student Health Care Center 352-392-1161
Student Legal Services 352-392-5297
Transportation & Parking Services (TAPS) 352-392-7275
University Police Department (UPD) 352-392-3261
U Matter, We Care 352-294-CARE (2273)
Machen Florida Opportunity Scholarship (MFOS) 352-294-0878